February 2019 OK-SCCA Board Meeting

OK SCCA Board Meeting – 04 February 2019 / 7:00 PM / Rudy’s on Memorial

BOD in Attendance
Stephen Sharp
Shawn Adams
Roger Knop
Brent Wilson
David Brosius
Shelby Fitzsimmons
Ruben Sedillo
Connor Pruitt
Kevin Knop

Open Meeting
Read Meeting Minutes
Motion to Approve: Shawn Adams
Seconded: Brent Wilson
Treasurer’s Report
● Checking – $ 2,137.83
● Saving – $ 13,209.51
● Petty – $100
On Jan-19, 2019 Danny Thomas, Gary Brown and Roger Knop met at The Bank of Oklahoma to perform some savings account housekeeping. We added Roger Knop and Danny Thomas as owners, then removed Gary Brown, Patricia Topp, and Keith Voyles. Roger would like to add Stephen Sharp and Shawn Adams so that we mirror the checking account owners.
In reviewing the documentation needed for charter renewal (Certificate of Good Standing) Roger found that our listed Registered Agent, Walter Bower, had passed away in 2014. Roger feels that we need to look for a new replacement agent. Roger Knop reached out to the NEOKLA Treasurer, Todd Swain. Todd said that he was not even aware that NEOKLA had a Registered Agent.
· Roger Knop reached out to 2 national providers of Registered Agent services, Wolters Kluwer and Northwest Registered Agents

· Wolters Kluwer has a yearly fee of $319 but offers an online discounted price of $287.10
· Northwest Registered Agents has a yearly fee of $125.00
· Roger reached out to a local OKC firm, Burnett & Brown on Feb-4, but the specific attorney that performs Registered Agent services is out for a few days; they will make a return call when they return to the office Roger is trying to find our State of Oklahoma Certificate of Incorporation.
· Stephen suggested that Brent Wilson reach out to Derek Mason, to see if he has this document
· If Derek does not have this then, Roger will pursue acquiring a certified copy from the State of Oklahoma
Motion to Accept: Stephen Sharp
Seconded: Connor Pruitt
Road Race Report:
Stephen – Danny T. to represent OKSCCA at AVRG (Arkansas Valley Race Group)
Autocross Report:
Inventory of the trailer was on 2/4 by Shawn, Kevin, and Stephen. An inventory list will be uploaded to the Drive of the non-consumables.
Cones were identified as a needed item and have been included in the 2019 Autocross Budget to be voted on by the BOD..
Stephen – Vet Motorsports will be at the first event. Ruben provides details on their purpose.
Brent request they attend the BOD meeting in March to present their organization. Concerns from multiple members in regards to Insurance/Entry/Workers, which will be discussed next meeting after more details are available.
Shawn – Public relations are important and be considerate of phrasing if media is at events.
Best option is to direct any questions to Stephen/Shawn
Brent – Iterates that car class in the morning and PAX in the afternoon. Discussion if the software that is used will allow members to not have to change lettering mid-event for from last year.
Shawn – Still verifying, but looking like lettering can stay the same as last year.
Shawn – A review of the updates to the Autocross Supplements. Brief: Wording changes, class organization, reflects directly by-laws.
Vote on Autocross Supplement – Passes
Majority (Roger, Shelby, Shawn, Stephen, Kevin, David). Abstained (Ruben, Brent, Connor)
Shawn – All business should be done ethically and if possible, remove any conflicts of interest.
Stephen – Second timing display is in 2018 budget and approved.
David – A case would be nice for transport of the displays.
Motion to Close: Brent Wilson
Seconded: David Brosius
Rally Report:
Notes: Stephen – Potential ideas for future events with Neokla (over 1 year)
Stephen appoints David Brosius as Rally Representative to work with Neokla.
Motion to Close:
Old Business
Shawn – Headsets have been found.
Roger – Two antennas have been acquired. Testing is still required.
Kevin – House of Kawasaki still researching pricing models. New helmets will be open face
Stephen – Announced Autocross Positions (to be posted)
Shawn – Complimented Brent. He is also as “Quite Excited”
Motion to Close: Shawn Adams
Seconded: David Brosius
New Business
Shawn – Motion to spend up to $200 on promotional items (stickers, cards, etc).
Majority Approved.
Connor – Options to set up merchandising? Shawn – Merchandise can be purchased from Nationals with OKSCCA logos.
Link: https://www.sccagear.com
Katie is in attendance for South Central Region Triumph Registry. She asks if OKSCCA can provide course design & trailer staffing for an event that will be in 2020, most likely at Stroud on a Friday. Will have a date by April 2019.
Board votes on to provide course design and trailer staffing to SCRTR. Monetary discussion to follow.
Majority Approved
Roger – Fees & Update on the Pronto system.
Stephen – Discuss 2019 OKSCCA Budget.
Approved by Majority
Ruben – Potential to have a banner for events. Will investigate this possibility.
Motion to Close: Stephen Sharp
Seconded: Ruben Sedillo
Motioned to Adjourn: Roger Knop
Seconded: Kevin Knop
Annual Tech – March 9th
Try to get other clubs to participate
A photographer will be discussed for promotional material
Action Items
1. Shawn Adams to notify members if lettering can be kept the same.
Next Meeting 3/4/2019

January 2019 OK-SCCA Board Meeting

07 January 2019 / 7:00 PM / Rudy’s on Memorial

BOD in Attendance

Stephen SharpPresent
Shawn AdamsPresent
Roger KnopPresent
Brent WilsonPresent
David BrosiusPresent
Shelby FitzsimmonsPresent
Ruben SedilloPresent
Connor PruittPresent
Kevin KnopPresent

Open Meeting

Read Meeting Minutes

Motion to Approve: David Brosius

Seconded: Brent Wilson

Treasurer’s Report

  • Checking – $ 5,885.96
  • Saving – $ 13,208.39


Ownership of bank account switched from Danny T. to Roger Knop.

Approved purchasers: Roger Knop, Stephen Sharp, Shawn Adams, Danny Thomas

Motion to Accept: Roger Knop

Seconded: Ruben Sedillo

Solo Report:

Notes: Schedule is submitted to Remington. Hosting a MidDiv Event in June. If you would like to shadow a position, please volunteer. Course design, set up to gain experience prior to design. Timing and scoring update, will be set up similar to Pro Solo. Solo Committee members to be filled end of January.

Motion to Close: Brent Wilson

Seconded: David Brosius

Rally Report:

Notes: None

Motion to Close:


Old Business

  • Stephen to buy raffle tickets
  • Stephen to contact Mark on the below.
  • Mark Council to get 6 Alignments, door prizes
  • Trailer clean up (1/12) – Saturday – Stephen, Shawn, Roger
  • Kevin to research helmet pricing and breaks


Radios to be labelled. Designated starter/grid person and purchasing headsets (if needed). Secondary LED timer, Stephen to get timer info to David to explore solutions. Roger to explore antenna ideas.

Motion to Close: Shawn Adams

Seconded: David Brosius

New Business


Roger Knop & Brent Wilson are no longer on BOD.

Voted on adding David Brosius and Connor Pruitt to BOD.

Appointed BOD position by Regional Executive (Stephen Sharp) – Approved to be Kevin Knop.

Motion to Close: Shawn Adams

Seconded: Ruben Sedillo


Motioned to Adjourn: Roger Knop

Seconded: Kevin Knop

Action Items

  1. Brent Wilson to reserve Rudy’s room for 2019

Next Meeting 2/4/2019