May 2019 OK-SCCA Board Meeting

06 May 2019 / 7:00 PM / Rudy’s on Memorial
BOD in Attendance

Stephen Sharp
Shawn Adams
Roger Knop
Brent Wilson
David Brosius
Shelby Fitzsimmons
Connor Pruitt

Open Meeting
Read Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report

* Checking Account: $4,887.43
* Savings Account: $9,211.49
* Petty Cash: $110.00

Roger: Online payments was surveyed. Decision to not allow digital payments on day-of event.
Phishing attempts continue. Be careful with emails.

Motion to Accept: Stephen Sharp
Seconded: Kevin Knop
Club Race Report:

Motion to Accept: Brent Wilson
Seconded: Roger Knop
Rally Report:
Shelby: Potential site for local event has been found. Information will be passed to Bob Seelig.
Motion to Close: Brent Wilson
Seconded: Shawn Adams
Autocross Report:
Shawn – Event 2 had 72 participants. Grid layout will continue to be evaluated. Workers will have color coordinated vests:
Yellow – Course
Orange – Safety
Blue – Grid
Green – Waiver
Next local event is May 19th. Tulsa has an event at Stroud the 12th.
OK MidDiv is at the end of June. There will not be a banquet this year.
Bill McCreight reported back from EVO school & Wichita event on new ideas.
Yellow cones will be corner captain markers.
New helmets have been acquired.
Motion to Close: David Brosius
Seconded: Roger Knop

Old Business
Ruben still investigating trailer banner.
Brent – Developed Membership Retention Program with Danny. Still reviewing. Will send off to Shawn & Stephen to implement.
Road race & Time Trials discussed. SCCA has a program
Motion to Close: Shawn Adams
Seconded: Kevin Knop
New Business

Motion to Close: Brent Wilson
Seconded: Stephen Sharp
Motioned to Adjourn: Brent Wilson
Seconded: Ruben Sedillo
Next Meeting