August 7, 2017 SCCA meeting minutes
Stephen Sharp calls the meeting to order
Darci Thomas motions to skip reading July’s minutes. Greg Blocker seconds the motion, motion passed.
New club racing report.
Treasures report. Stroud event we still have not gotten paid but should be between $700-800. Danny Thomas was not here. Darci Thomas makes a motion to approve the treasures report. Greg Blocker second the motion. Motion passed.
Solo report. August 27 is the next event WB will help run the event since Stephen will be gone. Mark Council still needs to get supplies ordered that have already been approved. Darci Thomas makes a motion to approve so report. Greg Blocker second the motion. Motion passed.
Old business. Discussion over the current website. David Brosius will be the new web coordinator. Motion to pass all business Darci Thomas. Greg Blocker second the motion. The motion passed.
New business. The September meeting will be for the officers meeting Steve and Sharp makes motion to pass David B. second the motion. Motion passed.
Roger and Greg will stay in current positions all others are open. Darci Thomas makes a motion to end the meeting. Greg Blocker second the motion. Motion passed.